Our Story

How it all started...

Crestview Church was organized on January 1, 1952.  The name Crestview was the idea of one of the original members – Paul Hill.  As he stood on the site where the church was built, he noted the location on the crest of a hill, hence the name Crestview.

The church adopted a resolution to become a Wesleyan Methodist Church on December 30, 1951.  Crestview remains part of the Wesleyan Denomination.

Expanding the vision...

In 1975, Crestview built a new sanctuary to accommodate an expanding congregation, complete with a full basement for Sunday School classes, children’s and youth ministries.

In June of 2023, Pastor Charles Moses of Foster Street Wesleyan proposed the vision to Pastor Jerry Johnson of Crestview where Foster Street’s second worship service would move to Crestview because of limited seating capacity.  Crestview’s membership unanimously approved of this partnership to begin this new journey of the new Crestview.  Crestview’s sanctuary and basement have been completely refreshed, plus the parking lot has been expanded to accommodate a growing congregation.  Many other facility improvements have been made to make Crestview a welcoming environment.

Where we are headed...

Crestview is excited about this “new beginning” starting in 2024.  Many years of prayers have been answered.  Crestview location in southern Asheboro is growing rapidly with new apartments, townhouses, and houses being built all around us.  There are ministries and room for a variety of ministries – from infants to senior citizens.  We love our community and will serve well in our local schools, prison, and neighborhood.  Crestview is a place where all are welcomed, loved, and treated as family.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:30 am and 10:45am.